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This exquisite Heirloom Edition is designed to satisfy the Monopoly enthusiast who enjoys the finer things in life. The rich walnut cabinet features a drawer to neatly store all of the game components plus a built-in banker's tray. This edition also includes custom designed Chance, Community Chest, Title Deed cards, and money.

Each set is handcrafted using a combination of beautiful hardwood and veneers to deliver a Monopoly experience that is as luxurious as it is fun. This edition is a tribute to the rich history of Monopoly and a stunning showpiece to be treasured for generations to come.

  • Beautiful stained walnut cabinet with storage drawer
  • MONOPOLY game path with tiger maple and rosewood veneers
  • Recessed rolling area with tiger maple and rosewood veneers
  • Die-cast metal MONOPOLY tokens
  • Solid walnut houses and hotels
  • Custom-designed Chance, Community Chest and Title Deed cards
  • Custom-designed MONOPOLY money
  • 2 Dice
  • Instructions