Card games with unique mechanics for fresh gameplay experiences-Monopoly Scrabble Game
Your goal is to accumulate the highest total of cash and property value when the last letter tile is played. You'll do this by strategically building Scrabble words that win you Monopoly properties! In place of rolling dice to move, your Scrabble word's score is the number of spaces you move your Monopoly token around the board. Build a word on one of the colored property squares and you'll claim the Monopoly property and all the benefits that come with owning it! Until that is, one of your opponents seizes the chance to steal it away from you!
Clever gameplay twists, along with custom Community Chest and Chance cards, keep things moving at a fast pace. Monopoly Scrabble is an innovative way to play your favorite games in under an hour!
Recommended for 2-4 players, ages 8+.
Contents include: 1 Quad-Fold Gameboard, 5 Wooden Scrabble Tile Racks, 1 Bag of 100 Wooden Scrabble Letter Tiles, Tile Storage Bag, 9 Silver-Toned Monopoly Tokens, Deck of 24 Community Chest Cards, Deck of 24 Chance Cards, 10 Property Cards, Monopoly Money Pad (Sixty $100 bills and Sixty $500 bills), Illustrated Rules